Wednesday, October 11, 2017

NPCs, Take 1: Sandara

On a basic level, Sandara's character was quite simple. She was born and raised in a port town by her father, who was a sailor. Here she was exposed to sailing, and learned some tools of the trade at a young age to help her father make ends meet. One day, her father went off to sea and didn't come home. Everyone said his ship was lost. So she prayed to Besmara, the evil goddess of pirates and the sea, and begged her to be merciful. To send Sandara's father back to her. The next day, her father arrived home--wounded, half-drowned, but alive. Thus, Sandara took it as a sign, and became a fervent follower of the wicked Besmara. She helped to spread the faith locally, and became a cleric. But her life took another turn recently, with the death of her beloved follower. Still in mourning, uncertain how to move forward, Sandara wasn't so terribly upset when she woke up press-ganged onto the Wormwood. 

That's all well and good, and would be easy enough to mod to Forgotten realms. 
But where does it go wrong? Well, I did say that was on a basic level. 

The biggest issue with Sandara is that, frankly... she doesn't make sense! She is statted as Neutral, and if she behaved as such, there would be no issue with the above back-story. A Neutral character can be cleric to an evil goddess, especially if they tend to be a low-hanging Neutral. One and done. 

The problem with Sandara is that she doesn't behave that way. Her first introduction to the PCs is that she sees them captured, and all their gear stolen. She therefore risks her own neck, and scares the Quartermaster into giving her some of the PCs gear, the same as she had done a few weeks back to return her own gear. She's already pulled this trick on the Quartermaster once, and this time it is obviously not even her own stuff. This is a needless risk she is taking for the PCs. 

And that would be fine for a Neutral character if she had some reason for it. Perhaps she plans to bribe the PCs, perhaps she intends to return their gear in exchange for loyalty or favours. Nope. She walks right up to one of them and gives them their stuff back--no strings attached. And she does this because she hopes to make friends. This is just one example, of course, but Sandara's biggest problem is that she continued to behave in a way that, frankly, feels Neutral Good. She is pleased when the PCs are not jerks like their captors, believes in loyalty, appreciates if the PCs rescue and befriend other crew members. She even blatantly offers her services as a healer. Which, more to the point, means she has cure rather than inflict spells in PF. Now, while a Neutral cleric can technically pick, it certainly feels like one is riding the 'higher end' of Neutral alignment if one makes that choice. The AP even addresses these inconsistancies, acknowledging that Sandara seems too nice for Besmara. How do they justify it, then? Sandara claims Besmara isn't evil, just misunderstood. 

(You may bang your head on a wall now. Heaven knows I did.)

Altogether, when my team played, we felt that these discrepancies made Sandara feel like a naive and confused individual. It made many of us not want to associate with her. Instead, I wanted to portray her differently--making these apparent contradictions in her character a plot point instead of a confusion. 

The Inspiration

Altogether, when I started thinking about this Sandara problem in a FR context, I kept coming back to this lovely lady, Viconia DeVir. She's a recruit-able party member in the Baldur's Gate series, and is a Neutral Evil cleric of Shar. Why Shar? Well, because the Night Singer's worship allowed her to escape the Underdark, and thus she turned to her worship in thanks. Viconia is a staple party member if you're going the 'evil route' through the BG series, but interestingly can be a valuable party member even if you're playing a good-aligned hero. There are even whole threads here on the interwebs dedicated to keeping her, she's so popular. 

If you recruit Viconia as a good-aligned hero, and you romance her, she eventually asks you if she should try to be a better person, and you get the opportunity to turn her alignment to Neutral. If you encourage her to do so, she retains all her powers, even though she should not by RAW, because this takes her more than 1 step away from Shar's own Lawful Evil alignment. While this could just be an oversight in the game, it has led to a lot of speculation that Viconia's powers were never coming from Shar in the first place, but from a Neutral or Good aligned power all along. This makes sense in some ways, as Viconia had never acted much like a Sharan--Sharan clergy, per lore, are sombre, show no emotion, keep secrets, do not make friends, do not associate with those outside the church. They certainly do not love. 

While it may just be a fan theory (and one seriously doubts BioWare would ever confirm anything outright in that regard), it made an interesting foundation from which to look at Sandara. 

The Final Form

First of all, I decided to make Sandara younger. How young? 20. At first, I had considered going as young as 18, but changed my mind when PC descriptions started to come in, and I realized I wanted someone else to be the 'baby' of the crew. But the point of making her younger was to make it seem a bit more obvious that she is likely in over her head. If she's barely 20 years old now, and she's got 3 cleric levels, we can imagine she would have been only 16 or 17 when she began her worship of the evil sea goddess. So, yes, we're talking about Little Mermaid levels of maturity here. Suddenly that bright-red hair makes sense.

This also did a good job of eliminating the AP's suggestion that she be forced onto a PC as an unwanted love interest. That felt cheap to me, and to no one's surprise, my player's didn't bite on that line at all. Making her younger makes her more sympathetic, instead of trying to awkwardly give her sex appeal, and works just as well to keep the players interested in her.

I otherwise kept her back-story the same, just modified the location to match the new setting. She appears pretty pale, so she could have some Illuskani blood. And that makes Luskan the perfect pirate city for her to have grown up in. Umberlee makes a perfect substitute to Besmara, and is just about as vain and uncaring, so that works nicely. I also decided to blatantly play Sandara as Neutral Good, but retained her proud faith in Umberlee. I had no qualms about portraying her as naive, nor about implying her claim of bravado and expertise was more likely covering up insecurities and un-wept tears. The players lapped it up. I gave her the Tempest domain and the Sailor background, and otherwise left her character mechanically similar to its PF incarnate.

For personality traits, I gave her 'Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude!' from the Acolyte background, and 'I'll look out for those who look out for me.' as a modification of her PF description. I gave her Teamwork as an ideal, and the the open sea as her bond. For flaws, I kept with the burgeoning alcoholism implied in her PF description.

Where are her powers coming from? Who knows. Maybe it is Umberlee. But is she likely to remain happy there much longer? Not likely. Without the threat of death, those Neutral Good inclanations are likely to catch up with her. In a religiously-charged setting like the Forgotten Realms, it's a great looming plot hook, as all of the PCs will likely have their own suggestions about how Sandara should get on with her life, and possibly who she should seek for guidance on that path. I look forward to watching the conflict unfold.

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